The C-Series claw pumps and compressors of Elmo Rietschle generate contact-free vacuum or compressed air efficiently and economically. This is possible because of the principle of internal compression. The gas is pre-compressed within the compressing chamber and is then discharged. The use of IE3 motors and optimized air flow geometry decisively reduce your energy consumption and consequently life cycle costs – as does the flexibility offered by the use of variable speed drives. External or integrated frequency converters ensure energy-efficient operation that not only meets legal requirements but also lowers operating costs. The design with the smallest footprint on the market for claw pumps and compressors also gives easy access to all components of the machine – easy to service and inspect. Sound engineering has reduced the noise level by more than 50 % compared to traditional claw pumps: the VLR 501 for example comes in at only 78 dB(A) for 400 mbar. Service is due after 20,000 operating hours only – depending on the application. This very long service interval translates into many hours of uptime with minimum interruption and low service costs. This leads to an evident energy saving compared to rotary lobe blower designs without internal compression.
Advantages at a glance
Dry, contact-free operation Process safe and reliable No oil in the compression chamber Frequency control available Ideal for Central Vacuum Systems Low sound level
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επίσημος αντιπρόσωπος Elmo Rietschle
Innovative Claw Technology
Σουλίου 1 & Λεωφόρος Πηγής 15127 Μελίσσια - Αττική T: 210 6130366, 210 6135866 F: 210 6139787 E:
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