Vacuum & Pressure Pumps Elmo Rietschle & Nash
Liquid Ring
Rotary Vane
Liquid Ring
Rotary Lobe
Side Channel
Many times you want to replace your old pumps with new ones.
Some times you need to equip a new production unit. If your
application allows it, you may prefer to choose dry running vacuum
pumps over oil lubricated ones.
Your specifications and requirements when sourcing a vacuum or
pressure pump, vary.
Your criteria may be quiet operation, low initial investment or
perhaps the most economical operation in the long run. Energy
saving may be your key decision.
Long-term, reliable, uninterrupted operation 24 x 7 may be
necessary, while you may need long intervals between scheduled
Whatever your focus is, and for whatever application, we offer you
a wide choice among our many different technologies.
We are always ready to help you in your choice, giving you our
knowledge and experience.
After supplying the pumps, we support you efficiently wherever
required, with genuine spare parts, loan pumps, technical advice
and whatever else you may need.
Copyright 2025, Cromemco Hellas
Souliou 1 & Pigis Avenue
15127 Melissia - Attika
T: 210 6130366, 210 6135866
F: 210 6139787
30 years ...
Elmo Rietschle official distributor